Adversity Quotient: Your Defensive Mindset

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In a previous article, we talked about Resilience, or the ability to cope with a crisis and it can be measured by AQ Profile and Grit Gauge assessments. Now, let us discuss each of these assessments and we will start with AQ Profile.


AQ Profile

Most of the time, when faced with adversity or challenges, people tend to get agitated, tired, confused, lose focus, and even lose interest in pursuing their goals. Is there anything that we can do to overcome this? That is where AQ Profile is coming into place. AQ or Adversity Quotient is the ability to turn your obstacles into opportunities or in other words, your defensive aspect of mindset.


AQ Profile is measured through these 4 dimensions,  Control, Ownership, Reach, and Endurance or the C.O.R.E.


These dimensions can be defined simply as follows:


Control – How someone perceives they can influence what happens after adversity

Ownership – If someone will act to improve the situation

Reach – How far will someone let the adversity affect another aspect of the situation

Endurance – How long will someone let the effect of the adversity last?


Knowing and analyzing these 4 dimensions of AQ can help determine how a person reacts when faced with adversities. It is a good way to start checking if there are things that can be improved to turn adversities into opportunities.


Adversity Quotient is believed to have improved work ethics and stir greatly towards a healthier mindset towards work and other aspects of life.


To know more about AQ Profile, how it works, and how it can help your organization become stronger, talk to our Talent Development Experts today.


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